Woodland Themed Nursery (Baby Boy)

My baby boy's nursery is BY FAR my favorite room. When I was pregnant, I would sit in his rocker just for fun, pretending that I had a baby in my arms. His room turned out just as I had imagined it, only now it's better, because I have an adorable baby boy here to enjoy it with. 

We recently finished out basement, so while I had all the worker guys here, I had them put up and paint this board and batten. Needless to say, I LOVE IT! I think it gave the room a "finished" look and made everything come together. 

Unfortunately for my husband, I have a serious addiction to The Land of Nod store. As in, he is NEVER EVER allowed to throw their catalog away (it's beautiful and practically artwork!), and I have traveled a long way to visit their store in person (believe me, it was magical). So of course, that's where I got all the nursery furniture and I couldn't be happier with the quality and craftsmanship. 

A lot of thought and shopping went into his room, from the furniture, to the tiny details.  I specifically put a lot of thought into what I would hang above his crib. I didn't want to put anything too heavy, because--heaven forbid-- it could fall on him and I didn't want anything that he could reach and pull down. I seriously looked through Pinterest for HOURS before I decided on these yarn letters. They are light, so if they fall they won't hurt him, and they are high enough that he will never reach them. (I also glue gunned the heck out of them, so there is no chance of the yarn unraveling if they do fall down for some reason.) To make these letters I followed this tutorial {here}. I got the paper mache letters at Hobby Lobby, but since they didn't have every letter I needed, I also order some from Amazon {here}. Each letter took at least over an hour to wrap, but what else did I have to do while big and pregnant?!? Besides, the final product was so worth it and I love how they turned out!

I also didn't want to make his room too babyish, because I want it to grow with him. I think this nursery will make a great "big boy" room, too!

Antlers: Down East Home
Paint Color: Dark Ash (Behr)

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