skip-counting HELP!!!

Hello dear teacher friends... I need your HELP!
I have searched all weekend for some skip counting songs and I haven't found what I am looking for.

I want something that is fun and up-beat (not rap), but I also want it to get to the point.
I don't want to teach my students a whole song that only has a little bit of skip counting in it...

Even though I have no more teaching money left, I am willing to purchase a CD if I need to.
In fact, I would prefer a CD so I can play it while they work (but chants are good, too).

The only thing I have come across that might work is from the Math Learning Center.
However, I hesitate to buy it without hearing it first. Does anyone use it? Do you like it?

I would love any resources/information you have to offer on skip counting!

You guys are wonderful!

P.S. Any easy ideas for dinner tonight???

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