calendar wall

Oh my goodness... I survived the first day of school!
It was so good to see them again. I missed those little guys.
(I wonder what I have to do to take them to third grade, too...)

Since I looped with my class, there was a moment when I felt like I never had a summer.
My day was crazier than I expected. It was like a great big reunion--they were all so happy to see their friends. It was definitely not a typical first day of school.  I had keep reminding myself that they are kids and they were just really happy to be in school again.

Needless to say, I'm exhausted! No gym for me.

Anyways, here are a few pics of my calendar wall. I put a lot of thought into this bulletin board and it took me a lonnnng time to finally put it together. I really wanted to make this space meaningful, because I think calendar time is really important. 

I created the money anchor charts in the picture above. Click here to download.
I bought the season pictures from Amazon for like $2.50 {I cut them apart}. Click here to check them out.
I bought the Hundreds, Tens, Ones, pocket chart here.
I also bought the hundreds chart from Amazon. Click here to check it out.

This is our circle time area. You can't see it, but I have a green rug for my students to sit on.

I created this date flip-chart from a free download at Mama Jenn
I love it and I love the idea of having all the pieces on a ring. 
I got really sick of laying out pieces (that would get always lost) the night before.

I think this clock is so fun! I saw it in Lory Evans' classroom and I had to make my own.
(BTW, Lory teaches in the same district as me. I took a math class from her and that woman is pretty much amazing! You really should check out her blog.)

Oh and I am always telling my students that they can do hard things! 
It makes me giddy to hear them tell each other the same thing.
I plan on changing the messages throughout the year, depending on what my students need.
Next message will be: Always Do Your Personal BEST!

What do you do for calendar time?

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