Snowflake Measuring

So, remember those creepy crawlers I posted about yesterday? Well they were a hit and my students were enthralled! Since they are nocturnal creatures, I am so happy that they were really active when I showed them to my students. They also had to name them right away... To make it fair, I had everyone write down a name and then I drew the names out of a bucket.

 Our hermit crabs are officially named Jason and Jibbles. Oh man... these first graders crack me up!


Besides taking care of my little hermit crabs, I have been a busy lady! I have transformed my Candy Corn Measuring unit {read more about it here} into a Snowflake Measuring unit! It is the exact same unit, just with a different theme. I didn't have a chance to use this unit in October, so I will definitely use it this month.

This Unit Includes:
- Snowflake Rulers 
- Measurement Board Game
- Measure and Graph Activity
- Snowman Measurement Activity 
- Measure the Classroom Activity

Happy Monday, Sweet Friends! XoXo

As always, the FIRST PERSON to comment with their email address will get this unit FREE!

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