Double-Digit Math Packet {Triple-Digit, Too!}

It's done! Hooray!!! I have finally posted the Double/Triple-Digit Math Packet! I am so excited to use this packet with my students, because end-of-level testing is coming up and let's face it... they can use all the practice they can get!!

Before I show you all the bells and whistles included this packet, I must tell you about this awesome poster I got from Abby @ The Inspired Apple {here}. We use this poem every single day and I love to hear my students whisper it to themselves while they are working. This poster isn't included in my packet, because I didn't make it up, but I would definitely recommend that you create one for your classroom--it will help a lot!

I also use these posters which I made awhile ago... Click {here} to download them for free.
{My students like to say "Start on the right if you want to be RIGHT!"}

My students went on a math hunt yesterday {this activity is included in my double-digit packet} and they loved it! They were doing the same old, boring, double-digit math... but they didn't notice, because they got to move around the room to find the different math problems. I love to get my students moving 
and I love it even MORE when they enjoy math! {I try to tell them everyday that they are mathematicians!}

Today my students played bingo... but first they had to do the work! We played bingo with all the sums and differences, so they were really motivated to get the answers right!

This packet includes over 50 practices pages {with answers included... don't worry}. In my classroom
 I use them for homework, assessments, morning work, and practice pages. 

I have this whole packet printed out and ready to go!  I love having all the masters in ONE place. 
I am a freak for being organized and I just can't help it... everything has to be in 
a binder {please tell me you're the same way}!!

This 140 page unit contains: over 50 practice pages {addition and subtraction, with/without regrouping, and triple/double-digit}, timed-tests {0-9 addition and subtraction}, 3 activities {bingo, a math hunt, and board game}, and story problem worksheets.

Every activity, worksheet, and game included in this packet is in black & white. I like to keep things pratical because I don't always have access to a color printer and color ink is just so expensive.

What tricks do you use in your classroom to teach double/triple-digit math?

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