All You Need is LOVE!

I love January and I love all the snow, but I am starting to get tired of all the gloominess! It will NOT stop snowing around here! So, I am already starting to think about February and Valentine's Day. I love Valentine's Day!! For this fun and *lovely* holiday my class will be doing activities from my V-day packet: All You Need is LOVE! Last year, my class loved the "Love Notes" most of all {with this activity they got to write nice compliments to their peers daily, but only when they finished their work} and I made this activity available to them all month. They also loved the "Love Monster Sacks" that they got to make for the Valentine exchange. I have already started to prepare a few things from this packet, so we can enjoy and learn from them all month long!

This following activity, Measuring with Hearts, has just been added to this V-day packet! If you have already purchased this packet, then you can re-download it in your TpT dashboard!

What fun things do you do with your class in February?!

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