runaway bunny books

Wayyyy back when, when I was a tiny, little second grader, my class made their own Runaway Bunny books. Have you read this story? Click {here} to check it out. It's about a little bunny who wants to runaway and he tells his mother all the places and things he is going to become. His mother, however, doesn't want him to runaway and she always comes up with ways to be with him, no matter where he goes, or what he becomes.

When I was little, I remember this being such a fun activity and so I had to do it with my own students! 

We made these books with our sixth grade buddies {whom my students ABSOLUTELY adore}! My students were the little bunnies {some of them changed to a different animal} and the sixth graders were the mothers. My student's loved thinking of ways to get away from their mothers! However, the sixth graders were always super clever and they always found a way to be with their little bunnies. These books can be as long or as short as you want. However, they can take a few weeks to complete, because you have to send them back and forth between classrooms.

Runaway Bunny is full of dialogue between the little bunny and his mother, so I used these books to teach about quotation marks and how to use them correctly.

Here are some samples of their adorable Runaway Bunny books:

{Click on the images to enlarge}

This is how all the stories started out:
Once there was a little monkey who wanted to runaway. So she said to her mother, "I am running away." "If you run away," said her mother, "then I will run after you. For you are my little monkey."

Here are some examples {not all from the same story}:
Left: "If you run after me," said the little monkey, " then I will become bread in a bakery and I will bake away from you." Right: "If you become some bread, " said her mother, " I will become the baker and bake you."

Left: "If you become a pen," said the little bunny, "Then I will become a headband and there is no way you can keep me." Right: "If you become a headband," said his mother, "I will become a little girl and wear you and take you home with me."

Left: "If you become a zoo keeper," said the little puppy, "I will become a fish in a pond and I will swim away from you." Right: "If you become a fish in a pond, "said her mother, "then I will become a sea anemone and you will live in me."

OKAY, this next one totally CRACKS me up!
Left: "If you become a bodyguard, " said the little wolf, "then I will become a molecule and I will float away from you." {In the picture it says "FACT:  Molecules are invisible and there are infinity of them, which makes me impossible to catch" What???? Are you serious???? Where do these kids learn this stuff? ;) Not from me!!} Right: "If you become a molecule, then I will also become a molecule and I will stay with you." {You know what they say... if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!}

My students are really proud of their stories! If you still have a few weeks of school left, you could make these stories with another class in your school! :)

10 days left! Yahoooo!!!!!! 

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